Figure 5. Kin28 depletion affects SAGA-dependent transcription more than TFIID-dependent transcription.
(A, B) Cumulative frequency plots of transcription (Pol II occupancy) changes at SAGA- and TFIID-dependent genes (Huisinga and Pugh, 2004) upon Kin28 depletion in the Kin28-AA strain or inactivation of Kin28 kinase activity in the kin28-as strain.
(C) Cumulative frequency plots of TFIIB occupancy changes at SAGA- and TFIID-dependent genes upon Kin28 depletion by anchor-away.
(D) Pol II (blue and red lines) and Kin28-FRB (black line) ChIP-seq binding profiles across promoter regions (+/− 500 bp from ATG) of active SAGA- and TFIID-dependent genes in the Kin28-AA strain before and after Kin28 depletion.
(E) Spt16 ChIP-seq binding profiles were plotted for the same regions, as in (D).
See also Figures S5 and S6.