Fig. 10.
A 27-year-old female with HAE involving the stomach, ampulla of Vater, urinary bladder, and small and large bowel (not shown). a The axial CE-CT shows marked submucosal oedema of the anterior wall of the stomach (arrow). Asterisk indicates the lumen of the stomach. Fluid is noted adjacent to the stomach and duodenum (small arrows). b The sagittal reformatted image clearly shows asymmetrical gastric wall involvement of angioedema (arrow). Asterisk indicates the lumen of the stomach. c Coronal reformatted image shows marked oedematous swelling of the ampulla of Vater (arrow). Asterisk indicates the duodenal lumen. d The coronal reformatted image of the pelvis shows mucosal enhancement and extensive submucosal oedema of the urinary bladder (arrow). Urinalysis was unremarkable without evidence of urinary tract infection. e The sagittal reformatted image shows fluid around the urinary bladder in the extraperitoneal space (asterisks). Arrow indicates a small amount of intraperitoneal free fluid in the cul-de-sac