Synaptic localization of Neto1 in macaque outer retina. A, Examples of rebound currents in two FMB cells in response to application of 1 mm glutamate. Timing of agonist application is indicated by bars above traces. Note the increase in inward current after the offset of the drug in each case. B, Confocal projection showing a vertical section of macaque retina labeled for Neto1 (green). Note that Neto1 expression is confined to clusters in the OPL and is absent from the IPL. Left, Transmitted light view of the same retinal section with retinal layers indicated. ONL, Outer nuclear layer; GCL, ganglion cell layer. C, D, Confocal micrograph of macaque outer plexiform layer labeled for Neto1 (green) and the photoreceptor marker, PSD-95 (magneta), which outlines the rod and cone terminals. Neto1 is clustered at the base of cone pedicles (indicated by arrows). E–G, SR-SIM images showing single optical sections of different cone pedicles labeled for Neto1 (green) and GluK1 (magenta). Bottom, Merged images. Note the lack of overlap between the GluK1 puncta and Neto1 puncta. H, Projected SR-SIM z-stack showing the primary dendrite and branches of a DB1 cell, labeled with SCGN (magenta), and Neto1 staining (green). Dotted rectangle represents the location of the dendritic tips at the base of a cone pedicle in the OPL. I, J, Single optical sections through different focal planes of the cone pedicle outlined in H. Bottom, Merged images. Note colocalization of some Neto1 puncta with DB1 dendrites (arrows). Scale bars: B, 10 μm; C–J, 5 μm.