Effect of AAV serotype on optically evoked synaptic plasticity. A, ChR2 expression after injection of AAV5-ChR2, AAV8, or AAV9-ChR2 in WT mice. B, Top, Representative EPSCs evoked by optical trains delivered over axons at 10 and 50 Hz. Bottom, Averaged normalized EPSC amplitudes during trains evoked optically (AAV5-ChR2, n = 6; AAV8-ChR2, n = 7; AAV9-ChR2, n = 10). Curve fit to electrical stimulation in uninjected animals (Fig. 7) is also shown for comparison. C, Left, Representative EPSCs from pairs of stimuli delivered at 10–200 ms ISIs. Right, Average paired-pulse ratios for optical stimulation (AAV5-ChR2, n = 6; AAV8-ChR2, n = 7; AAV9-ChR2, n = 14) and curve fit for electrical stimulation (black, WT uninjected mice, Fig. 7). Vertical scale bars, 100 pA. Data are expressed as average ± SEM.