Fig. 5.
The level of Hsp27 and Hsp72 expression in T98G (a, c) and MOGGCCM (b, d) cells after transfection with specific anti-Hsp27 (a, b) or anti-Hsp72 (c, d) siRNA (si27 and si72, respectively) and subsequent quercetin (Q) and sorafenib (S) treatment, estimated by immunoblotting. T98G cells were incubated with 50 μM of quercetin and 0.75 μM sorafenib, while MOGGCCM cells with 30 μM (Q30) of quercetin and 0.75 μM of sorafenib. Protein level was normalised according to β-actin expression. C control, TR transfection reagent, TRsi transfection reagent with specific siRNA, SQ simultaneous quercetin and sorafenib treatment, *P < 0.05 compared to control