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. 2014 Jun;104(Suppl 3):S460–S469. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301740


Pneumonia and Influenza Death Rates by Age Group and Indian Health Service Region for American Indians/Alaska Natives Compared with Whites: Contract Health Service Delivery Areas, United States, 1990–1998 and 1999–2009

IHS Region/Age Range AI/AN Count AI/AN Rate White Count White Rate AI/AN:White RR (95% CI) AI/AN Count AI/AN Rate White Count White Rate AI/AN:White RR (95% CI)
Northern Plains
 < 1 y 32 69.9 108 12.6 5.55* (3.62, 8.30) 15 22.0 48 4.9 4.49* (2.34, 8.16)
 1–4 y 2.1 46 1.3 1.63 (0.40, 4.40) 2.4 37 0.9 2.64 (0.90, 6.29)
 5–19 y 0.6 47 0.3 1.86 (0.48, 5.12) 0.8 53 0.3 2.50 (0.96, 5.52)
 20–49 y 73 10.6 454 1.6 6.68* (5.13, 8.57) 81 7.4 512 1.4 5.17* (4.03, 6.54)
 50–64 y 81 46.1 965 9.9 4.67* (3.68, 5.87) 94 27.9 1041 6.5 4.26* (3.41, 5.26)
 65–74 y 85 145.1 2523 49.2 2.94* (2.30, 3.60) 75 78.1 1734 27.6 2.83* (2.21, 3.57)
 ≥ 75 y 238 785.3 19 978 450.5 1.74* (1.50, 1.90) 206 419.9 16 509 249.7 1.68* (1.45, 1.93)
 All ages 517 69.7 24 121 32.9 2.12* (1.92, 2.33) 484 38.5 19 934 18.7 2.06* (1.85, 2.27)
 < 1 y 15 75.1 11.8 6.38* (2.45, 18.49) 15 64.1 7.8 8.22* (2.84, 28.92)
 1–4 y 3.6 0.4 9.00 (0.72, 472.45) 2.2 0.8 2.84 (0.20, 39.13)
 5–19 y 0.7 0.1 6.25 (0.32, 385.74) 1.6 0.2 8.37* (1.50, 86.13)
 20–49 y 22 6.5 14 0.7 9.77* (4.70, 20.79) 17 3.7 17 0.7 5.31* (2.54, 11.08)
 50–64 y 19 23.9 32 7.5 3.19* (1.71, 5.82) 26 18.3 37 4.1 4.52* (2.62, 7.68)
 65–74 y 19 70.6 43 35.9 1.96* (1.07, 3.45) 23 50.8 33 15.4 3.30* (1.84, 5.82)
 ≥ 75 y 80 558.5 139 267.4 2.09* (1.56, 2.77) 104 431.3 209 170.5 2.53* (1.97, 3.22)
 All ages 160 46.2 237 20.1 2.29* (1.82, 2.87) 193 35.1 305 12.5 2.83* (2.31, 3.44)
Southern Plains
 < 1 y 24.9 6.4 3.90 (0.63, 18.28) 12.2 24 6.4 1.90 (0.74, 4.38)
 1–4 y 0 0 NA 1.6 21 1.4 1.10 (0.27, 3.25)
 5–19 y 0.2 NA 0.7 29 0.5 1.56 (0.61, 3.50)
 20–49 y 12 5.0 87 2.7 1.87 (0.93, 3.43) 72 5.1 352 2.7 1.91* (1.46, 2.47)
 50–64 y 15 20.9 155 12.6 1.66 (0.91, 2.82) 85 17.6 760 12.3 1.43* (1.13, 1.79)
 65–74 y 29 107.1 385 61.1 1.75* (1.15, 2.55) 85 54.0 1030 39.5 1.37* (1.08, 1.70)
 ≥ 75 y 95 544.9 2437 448.5 1.21 (0.97, 1.49) 366 379.4 7123 294.5 1.29* (1.15, 1.43)
 All ages 154 45.6 3073 34.3 1.33* (1.11, 1.56) 628 31.8 9339 23.7 1.34* (1.23, 1.45)
 < 1 y 44 54.0 115 17.8 3.03* (2.09, 4.32) 28 27.8 77 9.1 3.04* (1.90, 4.74)
 1–4 y 2.7 39 1.6 1.70 (0.72, 3.57) 2.1 26 0.8 2.69* (1.05, 6.10)
 5–19 y 11 1.0 47 0.5 2.00 (0.93, 3.90) 17 1.1 49 0.4 2.95* (1.59, 5.22)
 20–49 y 135 10.3 590 2.9 3.54* (2.90, 4.29) 208 10.3 747 2.6 4.02* (3.43, 4.70)
 50–64 y 102 32.0 876 11.9 2.69* (2.17, 3.31) 176 28.8 1473 10.4 2.77* (2.35, 3.24)
 65–74 y 158 140.9 2099 50.2 2.80* (2.36, 3.30) 159 79.3 2275 37.2 2.13* (1.80, 2.50)
 ≥ 75 y 576 743.8 10 936 406 1.83* (1.68, 1.99) 699 561.0 12 327 243.6 2.30* (2.13, 2.48)
 All ages 1035 64.6 14 702 31.3 2.06* (1.92, 2.20) 1295 48.7 16 974 20.1 2.42* (2.28, 2.56)
Pacific Coast
 < 1 y 22.1 158 10.2 2.16 (0.85, 4.55) 17.6 50 3.1 5.64* (2.31, 12.00)
 1–4 y 2.1 48 0.8 2.80 (0.55, 8.69) 0 27 0.4 0.00 (0.00, 5.34)
 5–19 y 1.0 82 0.4 2.97* (1.06, 6.73) 0.5 73 0.3 2.09 (0.55, 5.55)
 20–49 y 44 4.9 1224 2.3 2.11* (1.52, 2.85) 54 4.2 1071 1.6 2.55* (1.90, 3.36)
 50–64 y 52 22.4 2141 12.6 1.78* (1.32, 2.34) 66 14.3 2236 7.5 1.91* (1.47, 2.44)
 65–74 y 63 83.1 5271 56.6 1.47* (1.12, 1.88) 53 41.6 3042 27.4 1.52* (1.13, 1.99)
 ≥ 75 y 199 519.4 37 227 503.5 1.03 (0.89, 1.18) 200 299.5 26 894 227.8 1.31* (1.13, 1.51)
 All ages 374 43.0 46 151 37.3 1.15* (1.02, 1.28) 385 25.2 33 393 17.5 1.44* (1.28, 1.59)
 < 1 y 29.1 119 7.8 3.73 (0.76, 11.16) 10.0 61 3.8 2.65 (0.31, 9.99)
 1–4 y 2.1 49 0.8 2.66 (0.6, 15.50) 4.3 32 0.5 8.86* (1.73, 28.33)
 5–19 y 79 0.3 NA 72 0.3 NA
 20–49 y 2.9 1120 2.1 1.38 (0.63, 2.62) 10 2.1 1048 1.6 1.32 (0.63, 2.42)
 50–64 y 11.2 2193 11.5 0.97 (0.45, 1.85) 21 12.5 2279 7.7 1.61 (1.00, 2.47)
 65–74 y 18 66.9 5341 50.4 1.33 (0.78, 2.09) 20 44.5 3852 31.9 1.40 (0.84, 2.15)
 ≥ 75 y 67 454.6 35 684 409.7 1.11 (0.85, 1.40) 67 242.6 33 058 255.3 0.95 (0.73, 1.20)
 All ages 107 35.3 44 585 30.9 1.14 (0.92, 1.38) 123 20.8 40 402 19.5 1.06 (0.87, 1.27)
All regions
 < 1 y 104 51.7 513 10.9 4.76* (3.82, 5.89) 76 23.5 265 4.8 4.86* (3.71, 6.29)
 1–4 y 20 2.4 183 0.9 2.49* (1.48, 3.95) 23 1.9 145 0.7 2.89* (1.77, 4.50)
 5–19 y 23 0.8 259 0.4 2.15* (1.34, 3.31) 42 0.8 278 0.3 2.89* (2.04, 4.01)
 20–49 y 295 7.8 3489 2.2 3.57* (3.15, 4.03) 442 6.6 3747 1.8 3.69* (3.33, 4.07)
 50–64 y 278 29.0 6362 11.6 2.50* (2.21, 2.82) 468 21.3 7826 8.1 2.62* (2.38, 2.88)
 65–74 y 372 113.6 15 662 52.3 2.17* (1.95, 2.41) 415 61.7 11 966 31.2 1.98* (1.79, 2.18)
 ≥ 75 y 1255 653.8 106 401 446.6 1.46* (1.38, 1.54) 1642 423.5 96 120 246.9 1.72* (1.63, 1.80)
 All ages 2347 55.7 132 869 33.4 1.67* (1.59, 1.74) 3108 36.3 120 347 19.1 1.90* (1.82, 1.97)

Note. AI/AN = American Indian/Alaska Native; CI = confidence interval; CHSDA = Contract Health Service Delivery Area; IHS = Indian Health Service; NA = not applicable/able to be calculated; RR = rate ratio. Ellipses indicate that counts less than 10 were suppressed; if no cases reported, then rates and RRs could not be calculated. Analyses are limited to persons of non-Hispanic origin. AI/AN race is reported from death certificates or through linkage with the IHS patient registration database. Rates are per 100 000 persons and are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population (11 age groups; Census P25-113045). Rate ratios are calculated in SEER*Stat before rounding of rates and may not equal rate ratios calculated from rates presented in the table. IHS regions are defined as follows: Alaskaa; Northern Plains (IL, IN,a IA,a MI,a MN,a MT,a NE,a ND,a SD,a WI,a WYa); Southern Plains (OK,a KS,a TX,a); Southwest (AZ,a CO,a NV,a NM,a UTa); Pacific Coast (CA,a ID,a OR,a WA,a HI); East (AL,a AR, CT,a DE, FL,a GA, KY, LA,a ME,a MD, MA,a MS,a MO, NH, NJ, NY,a NC,a OH, PA,a RI,a SC,a TN, VT, VA, WV, DC). Percentage of AI/AN persons in CHSDA counties: Northern Plains = 64.8%; Alaska = 100%; Southern Plains = 76.3%; Southwest = 91.3%; Pacific Coast = 71.3%; East = 18.2%; total US = 64.2%. States and years of data excluded because Hispanic origin was not collected on the death certificate: LA: 1990; NH: 1990–1992; OK: 1990–1996.

Source. AI/AN Mortality Supplement Database (AMD 1990–2009).

aIdentifies states with at least 1 county designated as CHSDA.

*P < .05.