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. 2014 Jun;104(Suppl 3):S404–S414. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301654


Colorectal Cancer Incidence by Indian Health Service Region and Age at Diagnosis for American Indian/Alaska Native and White Persons: CHSDA Counties, United States, 2005–2009

AI/AN White
IHS Region/Age at Diagnosis Cases, No. (%) Rate Cases, No. (%) Rate AI/AN:White RR (95% CI)
Northern Plains
 < 50 y 79 (15.49) 9.6 1514 (7.59) 5.9 1.64* (1.29, 2.05)
 50–64 y 192 (37.65) 113.2 5007 (25.10) 65.9 1.72* (1.48, 1.98)
 ≥ 65 y 239 (46.86) 343 13 428 (67.31) 236.2 1.45* (1.26, 1.66)
 All ages 510 (100.00) 67.3 19 949 (100.00) 44.0 1.53* (1.39, 1.68)
 < 50 y 54 (16.62) 15.4 109 (13.47) 6.1 2.53* (1.79, 3.54)
 50–64 y 118 (36.31) 159.2 309 (38.20) 63.2 2.52* (2.02, 3.13)
 ≥ 65 y 153 (47.08) 456.5 391 (48.33) 232.0 1.97* (1.61, 2.39)
 All ages 325 (100.00) 92.7 809 (100.00) 43.2 2.15* (1.86, 2.47)
Southern Plains
 < 50 y 137 (16.45) 12.8 713 (8.58) 7.3 1.74* (1.44, 2.10)
 50–64 y 274 (32.89) 110.9 2229 (26.82) 74.3 1.49* (1.31, 1.69)
 ≥ 65 y 422 (50.66) 341.4 5370 (64.61) 232.3 1.47* (1.32, 1.63)
 All ages 833 (100.00) 69.0 8312 (100.00) 45.8 1.51* (1.40, 1.62)
Pacific Coast
 < 50 y 66 (13.69) 6.9 2942 (7.96) 6.1 1.13 (0.87, 1.44)
 50–64 y 166 (34.44) 70.9 9737 (26.35) 64.5 1.10 (0.94, 1.28)
 ≥ 65 y 250 (51.87) 261.2 24 270 (65.69) 226.8 1.15* (1.01, 1.31)
 All ages 482 (100.00) 48.6 36 949 (100.00) 42.8 1.14* (1.03, 1.25)
 < 50 y 20 (13.42) 5.4 3431 (8.42) 7.0 0.76 (0.46, 1.18)
 50–64 y 56 (37.58) 64.2 10 469 (25.70) 72.3 0.89 (0.67, 1.15)
 ≥ 65 y 73 (48.99) 181.5 26 834 (65.88) 233.5 0.78* (0.60, 0.99)
 All ages 149 (100.00) 36.4 40 734 (100.00) 45.4 0.80* (0.67, 0.95)
 < 50 y 121 (23.27) 7.6 1275 (7.55) 5.7 1.34* (1.10, 1.61)
 50–64 y 194 (37.31) 60.9 4346 (25.75) 59.9 1.02 (0.88, 1.17)
 ≥ 65 y 205 (39.42) 129.8 11 258 (66.70) 205.5 0.63* (0.55, 0.73)
 All ages 520 (100.00) 31.0 16 879 (100.00) 39.1 0.79* (0.72, 0.87)
All regions
 < 50 y 477 (16.92) 9.3 9984 (8.08) 6.4 1.45* (1.32, 1.59)
 50–64 y 1000 (35.47) 88.4 32 097 (25.96) 67.0 1.32* (1.24, 1.41)
 ≥ 65 y 1342 (47.61) 257.8 81 551 (65.96) 227.5 1.13* (1.07, 1.20)
 All ages 2819 (100.00) 52.5 123 632 (100.00) 43.4 1.21* (1.16, 1.26)

Note. AI/AN = American Indian/Alaska Native; CHSDA = Contract Health Service Delivery Area; CI = confidence interval; IHS = Indian Health Service; RR = rate ratio. Analyses are limited to persons of non-Hispanic origin. AI/AN race is reported by National Program of Cancer Registries and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Registries or through linkage with the IHS patient registration database. Rates are per 100 000 persons and are age-adjusted to the 2000 US standard population (19 age groups; Census P25-1130). Rate ratios are calculated in SEER*Stat before rounding of rates and may not equal RRs calculated from rates presented in table. IHS regions are defined as follows: Alaskaa; Northern Plains (IL, IN,a IA,a MI,a MN,a MT,a NE,a ND,a SD,a WI,a WYa); Southern Plains (OK,a KS,a TXa); Southwest (AZ,a CO,a NV,a NM,a UTa); Pacific Coast (CA,a ID,a OR,a WA,a HI); East (AL,a AR, CT,a DE, FL,a GA, KY, LA,a ME,a MD, MA,a MS,a MO, NH, NJ, NY,a NC,a OH, PA,a RI,a SC,a TN, VT, VA, WV, DC). Percentage regional coverage of AI/AN persons in CHSDA counties to AI/AN persons in all counties: Northern Plains = 64.8%; Alaska = 100%; Southern Plains = 76.3%; Southwest = 91.3%; Pacific Coast = 71.3%; East = 18.2%; total US = 64.2%.

Source: Incidence data are from population-based cancer registries that participate in the National Program of Cancer Registries or the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Registries (43 states): AK, AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TX, UT, VT, WA, WV, WY; 1999–2008: WI; 1999–2001 and 2003–2009: DC; 2001–2009: AR, NC, SD; 2002–2009: VA; 2003–2009: MS, TN.


Identifies states with at least 1 county designated as CHSDA.

*P < .05.