Analysis of planktonic and biofilm-locked mycoplasmas in culture. (a) Total number of c.f.u. recovered from the cultures of strains M129 and UAB PO1 when inoculated at either 105 or 106 c.f.u. per flask; the data represent the results of three experiments. UAB PO1 106 c.f.u. (◊) and M129 106 c.f.u. (▴) represent cultures that were inoculated with 106 c.f.u. of the indicated strain. UAB PO1 105 c.f.u. (○) and M129 105 c.f.u. (•) represent cultures that were inoculated with 105 c.f.u.; n = 3 for each time point of each experiment except for day 1 of the M129 cultures that were inoculated with 106 c.f.u., for which n = 6. (b–e) The number of c.f.u. of the mycoplasmas attached in biofilms (bar graphs) relative to the total number of c.f.u. recovered from the flasks (line graphs). (b, d) The c.f.u. recovered from cultures inoculated with 106 c.f.u. of strains UAB PO1 and M129, respectively. (c, e) The c.f.u. recovered from cultures inoculated with 105 c.f.u. of strains UAB PO1 and M129, respectively. Error bars, sem.