Model results of salicylate effect on NLC correspond to biophysical data. A, model predicts chloride dependence of salicylate effects, showing that reduced IC50sal as chloride is lowered, as determined experimentally by Santos-Sacchi et al. (3) (see their Fig. 2). B, comparison of IC50sal from different studies. Because only one study fully evaluated the chloride dependence of IC50sal, IC50sal was estimated by fitting a Hill function through the single data points obtained at 140 mm chloride with the Hill slope, n, fixed at 1, as experimentally determined (3). Biophysical data points were from guinea pig OHCs (Tunstall et al. (24), extracted from their Fig. 5C; Kakehata and Santos-Sacchi ((24)), extracted from their Fig. 1C; Santos-Sacchi et al. (3), extracted from their Fig. 2); rat prestin transfected HEK cells (Oliver et al. (25), extracted from their Fig. 5b); and mouse OHCs (Homma and Dallos (15), extracted from their Fig. 2). C, comparison between model and biophysical data shows that the model recapitulates biophysical data. Straight line fit is through model points. Legend: O. et al 2001, Oliver et al. (25); K. & S-S 1996, Kakehata and Santos-Sacchi ((24)); H. & D. 2001, Homma and Dallos (15); T. et al 1995, Tunstall et al. (24); S-S et al, 2006, Santos-Sacchi et al. (3).