CaCCinh-A01 inhibits proliferation by promoting degradation of ANO1. A, effects of CaCCinh-NV1–3 on ANO1 protein levels were examined by Western blotting after 72 h of treatment with 10 μm compound or DMSO. Representative Western blots are shown. B, effects of CaCCinh-NV4–8 on ANO1 protein levels examined as in A. C and D, effects of tannic acid, digallic acid, T16Ainh-A01, and PGG on ANO1 protein levels examined as in A. E, effect of CaCCinh-A01 washout on ANO1 protein levels assessed as described in A. F, Te11 and FaDu cell proliferation in the presence and after washout of the indicated concentrations of CaCCinh-A01 or DMSO was monitored using the Incucyte system (mean ± S.E. (error bars), n = 4). G, cell cycle analysis of Te11 and FaDu cells in the presence of and after washout of the indicated concentrations of CaCCinh-A01 or DMSO. Cells were stained with propidium iodide, and DNA content was analyzed by FACS (mean ± S.E., n = 3). H, effects of CaCCinh-A01 on ANO1 protein levels were examined in the indicated cell lines by Western blotting after 72 h of treatment with 10 μm CaCCinh-A01 or DMSO. Representative Western blots are shown.