qRT-PCR shows increased mRNA levels of PLCG1 during molting and metamorphosis. A, integument; B, midgut; C, fat body; and D, hemocytes. F, feeding; M, molting; MM, metamorphic molting; P, pupae; 5F, fifth instar feeding larvae 24 h after ecdysis; 5M, fifth instar molting larvae; 6–0, 6–24, 6–48, 6–72, 6–96, and 6–120 represent sixth-instar larvae at the corresponding times. P0 and P2 represent 0- and 2-day-old pupae. H. armigera β-actin was used for internal standardization. The relative expression was calculated using the 2−ΔΔCT method. The bars indicate the means ± S.D. of three independent experiments.