Summary of behavioral test battery of homozygotes
All the analyses were done using 8–24 mice/genotype. NS means not significant in male and female; ASR means acoustic startle response; CS means conditioned stimuli; US means unconditioned stimuli; PP means prepulse; P means pulse.
Test | Measure | Difference from wild-type control |
Open field (10 min) | Total distance | NSa |
Center time (%) | Decreaseda,b | |
Home cage activity | Total activity (/24 h) | NSa |
Day time (/12 h) | Increaseda,c | |
Night time (/12 h) | NSa | |
Elevated plus maze | Open stay (%) | Increaseda,b |
Closed stay (%) | Decreaseda,b | |
Center (%) | NSd | |
Total distance (cm) | Increaseda,c | |
Light/dark transition | Light distance (cm) | NSa |
Dark distance (cm) | Increaseda,e | |
Total distance (cm) | Increaseda,e | |
Light time (s) | NSa | |
Dark time (s) | NSa | |
Entry numbers | NSe | |
Latency to dark box (s) | Decreasedb,d | |
Tail suspension | Immobility (%) | NSa |
Forced swim | Immobility time (5 min) | Decreaseda,e |
Y maze | Alteration (%) | NSd |
Entry numbers | Increasedd,e | |
Fear conditioning (freezing (%)) | Conditioning (pre-+post-US/CS) | Decreasedd,e |
Contextual | NSa | |
Cued (pre-CS) | NSd | |
Cued (post-CS) | NSd | |
Prepulse inhibition | 74/120 (PP/P db) (%) | NSf |
80/120 (PP/P db) (%) | ||
86/120 (PP/P db) (%) | ||
ASR | at 120 db | NSa |
a Student's t test.
b Difference was detected only in males.
c Difference was detected only in females.
d Mann-Whitney's U test.
e Significant difference was detected in both sexes.
f Repeated measures two-way analysis of variance (genotype effect).