Silique Development in Transgenic A. thaliana
Col-0 and Sha Plants following Natural Self-Pollination.
(A) and (E) Wild-type A. thaliana
Col-0 and Sha branches with full-sized siliques.
(B) to (D) Branches with siliques from A. thaliana
Col-0 transgenic plants: SCRb-SRKb #8, SCRb-SRKb + Al-ARC1 #13, and SCRb-SRKb + Bn-ARC1 #14.
(F) to (I) Branches with siliques from A. thaliana Sha transgenic plants: SCRb-SRKb #10 and 15, SCRb-SRKb + Al-ARC1 #5, and SCRb-SRKb + Bn-ARC1 #1.
SC, self-compatible; SI, self-incompatible. Bars = 1 cm.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]