Strong and nonoverlapping expression of teleost midkine genes in the adult zebrafish brain. Whole-mount in situ hybridization showing mdka (A,C,E) and mdkb (B,D,F) expression. (A,B) Lateral views of adult brains (anterior to the left); (TE) Telencephalon; (TO) tectum opticum; (CB) corpus cerebelli; (CR) crista cerebellaris; (XL) lobus vagi; (MO) medulla oblongata. Expression in the hypothalamus is indicated by arrows. (C,D) Dorsal views. (E,F) Ventral views; distinct expression in the lobus inferior (LI) of hypothalamus is indicated by arrows. (G—I) Transverse sections through brains at levels indicated in A and B. (G) mdka expression in the subventricular zones of the optic tectum (arrowhead) and in the lobus inferior (arrows). (H) Expression of mdkb in distinct subset of cells in the lobus inferior (arrows), nuclear layer of the optic tectum (small arrowheads) and the dorsal cerebellum (corpus cerebelli, large arrowhead). (I) Expression of mdkb in a Purkinje cell containing layer of the crista cerebellaris (arrowheads). (E, inset) Ventral view of control brain stained with mdka sense RNA probe.