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. 2014 May 12;2014:245610. doi: 10.1155/2014/245610

Table 1.

The meaning and values of parameters in the systems (1)–(8).

Parameter Biological meaning Value
b p Inactive p53 production rate 3
b sp p53 saturating phosphorylate rate by ATM/ATR 10*/1
b m p53-dependent Mdm2 production rate 0.9
b mi p53-independent Mdm2 production rate 0.2*
b i Inhibitor Wip1 production rate 0.25*
b s Signal ATM production rate 10*
b pac Acetylation speed of p53 under DSB/UV damage 0.1/0.02
b Bax Saturating production rate of Bax 0.04
a mpi Mdm2-dependent p53 inactive degradation rate 5*
a pi Inactive p53 degradation rate 2*
a mpa Mdm2-dependent active p53 degradation rate 0.35
a sm Signal-dependent Mdm2 inactivation rate 0.5
a wpa Wip1-dependent dephosphorylation rate of p53 2.8
a m Mdm2 degradation rate 1*
a i Inhibitor Wip1 degradation rate 0.7*
a is Wip1-dependent Signal degradation rate 50*
a s ATM degradation rate 7.5*
a pac acetylation of p53 degradation rate 0.05
a depac deacetylation rate of p53 0.05
a Bax Bax degradation rate 0.04
τ1 Time delay of Mdm2 transcription by p53 0.7*
τ2 Time delay of Wip1 transcription by p53 1.25*
ta Concentration of Bax for half maximal p53ac production 0.15
ts Concentration of ATM for half-maximal p53 production 1*
ti Concentration of wip1 for half-maximal Signal degradation 0.2*
θ 0 The threshold of DSBs for acetylating p53 0.1
k rep Repair rate of DSBs 0.1
n 1 Hill coefficients for phosphorylation and dephosphorylate of p53 4
n 2 Hill coefficients for dephosphorylation of ATM by wip 2
[p53i]0 The initial condition of inactive p53 1
[p53p]0 The initial condition of phosphorylated p53 0
[Mdm2]0 The initial condition of Mdm2 0.2
[wip1]0 The initial condition of wip1 0
[ATM]0 The initial condition of ATM 0
[p53ac]0 The initial condition of acetylated p53 0
[Bax]0 The initial condition of Bax 0
[DSBs]0 The initial conditions of two type of DSBs 3/0.3**

*denotes parameters from [2, 6], the others are estimated. **denotes serious/slight DSBs.