Figure 1.
Mapping of mt-like contigs/links on the complete mitochondrial genome of the corresponding organism, Ciona intestinalis (Ci) and Halocynthia roretzi (Hr). In both species, all genes are encoded on the same strand. Putative mitochondrial transcripts are indicated as RNAs and named in accordance with Tables 1 and 3. Links are connected by continuous green lines. Proposed modifications in the annotation of Halocynthia mtDNA are indicated as New. Partial genes are indicated as open boxes. Numbers below the mtDNA refer to the length (in base pairs) of the noncoding regions indicated in red. (ATP6) ATP synthase subunit 6; (8) ATP synthase subunit 8; (CO1–CO3) cytochrome c oxidase subunits; (Cyt b) cytochrome b; (ND1–ND6 and ND4L) NADH dehydrogenase subunits; (12S) small subunit ribosomal RNA; (16S) large subunit ribosomal RNA. tRNA genes, in yellow, are indicated by the amino acid transported. (L1) Leu (UUR); (L2) Leu (CUN); (S1) Ser (AGY); (S2) Ser (UCN); (G1) Gly (AGR); (G2) Gly (GGN); (M1) Met (AUG); (M2) Met (AUA).