Figure 8. fp-RFDR for T1-reduction of protons.
Single pulse 1H NMR spectra of a powder sample of NAVL obtained at 100 kHz MAS without fp-RFDR (A), with fp-RFDR of XY814 (B), and with fp-RFDR of XY414 (C) during the recycle delay. 2D 1H/1H fp-RFDR correlation spectrum of NAVL (D) and slices (E and F) at the chemical shift frequency of the carbonyl proton (~13 ppm) along the direct dimensions observed with fp-RFDR-XY414 (E) and fp-RFDR-XY4 during the mixing time and with fp-RFDR- XY414 during the recycle delay (F). A relaxation delay of 2.2 s (A-C) and 2 s (D-F), and RF field strengths of 467 kHz during the repetition delay and 110 kHz during mixing time were used. Number of fp-RFDR cycles (3 for (B) and 6 for (C, D, F)) and duration of each fp-RFDR (1.92 ms for (B) and 6.4 ms for (C, D, F)) were optimized such that the carbonyl proton peak (~13) ppm is maximized.