Protein sequence-based phylogenetic tree. The tree was calculated from the
aligned and concatenated sequences of four proteins from the five species
indicated. Branch lengths are distances calculated using PAM matrices;
bootstrap values are indicated at nodes. The proteins used and (in brackets)
the gene name on C. parvum chromosome 6 and the GenBank identifiers
for their sequences from P. falciparum, P. yoelii yoelii, S. pombe,
and T. gondii, respectively, are as follows: protein disulphide
isomerase (56K11, 23612738, 23481103, 19113783, 14494995);
glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (1MB519, 23509820, 23491258,
19112028, 13377044); heat shock protein 60 (1MB751, 23507957, 23479768,
19113806, 5052052); and protein phosphatase 2b (1MB598, 23612977, 23489838,
19112970, 22535354).