Figure 4.
Relationship between β-cell secretion and blood glucose values during MTT (0–120 min). ISR (A) and C-peptide (B) vs glucose levels in GB subjects with (Sym, solid line and closed square) and without (Asym, dashed line and open square) a history of hypoglycemia, and controls (CON, gray solid line and closed square). ISR (C) and C-peptide (D) vs glucose levels in GB patients with a history of neuroglycopenic (SymN, solid line and closed circle) or autonomic (SymA, gray dashed line and closed circle) hypoglycemic symptoms and asymptomatic surgical subjects (Asym, dashed line and open circle). Each data point represents ISR/glucose or C-peptide/glucose values at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 90, and 120 minutes. White arrow shows the initial phase of the MTT, and black arrow the latter phase of the MTT (declining glucose).