Fig. 9. Defective development of SMCs in Tbx18−/− kidney.
(A,B) Whole-mount immunostaining for α-SMA in E17.5 kidneys showing reduced α-SMA expression in a Tbx18−/− artery branch (arrowheads). (C,D) Immunostaining for αSMA on E18.5 kidney sections. SMA+ cells are largely reduced in vascular system and pelvic region (arrowheads). (E,F) Section in situ hybridization for SM22 at E18.5. Arrows (E) point to SMCs in the pelvic region. Arrowheads (F) point to reduced SM22 expression in the mutant renal arteries. (G,H) Immunostaining for smooth muscle heavy chains (SMHC) on P0 kidney sections. Arrowheads point to renal vessels and arrows in H point to disorganized and aberrant distribution of SMCs in the pelvic region in Tbx18−/− kidneys. pv, renal pelvis; ra, renal artery; ur, ureter. Scale bar: 25 μm.