(A) Structure of Stem-MVHL-STOP mRNA. (B) Toe-printing analysis of 48S complex formation on Stem-MVHL-STOP mRNA in the presence of combinations of eIFs. (C -J) Toe-printing analysis of ribosomal complexes obtained by treating pre-TCs formed on Stem-MVHL-STOP mRNA with combinations of eRF1, eRF3, ABCE1, Met-tRNAiMet, eIFs 2/3/1/1A/3j/4A/4B/4F/4G, Ligatin and excess competitor (CAA)n-GUS mRNA at the indicated free [Mg2+]. The positions of pre-TCs, post-TCs and tRNA/mRNA-associated recycled 40S subunits are indicated by black arrows; positions of 48S complexes formed on AUG triplets upstream and downstream of the stop codon are shown in red and blue, respectively.