Figure 6.
Parameters for H-VNB generation measured by light scattering traces. (A) Dependence of the H-VNB lifetime (a metric for maximal size) upon the single laser pulse fluence and duration for hemozoin crystals in water: red circles - 532 nm, 70 ps; black circles - 532 nm, 14 ns. (B) Dependence of the H-VNB lifetime on laser pulse fluence and duration for iRBCs with mature schizont stages of parasites and uninfected RBCs: red circles - iRBC, laser pulse at 532 nm, 70 ps; solid black circles - iRBC, laser pulse at 532 nm, 14 ns; hollow black squares - normal RBC, laser pulse at 532 nm, 70 ps. (C) Levels of infected cells 24 h and 48 h after laser flow treatment: magenta: iRBCs treated with laser pulse of 14 ns, 70 mJ/cm2; green: iRBCs treated with laser pulse of 70 ps, 30 mJ/cm2; green stripes: iRBCs treated with laser pulse of 70 ps, 130 mJ/cm2. (D) Dependence of the H-VNB lifetime for individual iRBC upon the malaria parasite stage under a single laser pulse excitation (532 nm, 70 ps, 35 mJ/cm2).