Fig. 2.
Matrices of cyst yields from all pairwise co-cultures of clone subsets: (A) unbiased cosmopolitan (1990 results only), (B) biased cosmopolitan (all yields observed, 1990–2006), (C) unbiased Belfast Lough, and (D) biased Belfast Lough. GTM253 (biased cosmopolitan subset, B) is clonal isolate GTM253-17. Yields from each pairwise co-culture were scored 0–3 on the basis of presence and abundance of hypnozygotes after >1 month incubation in N-limited medium (see text). Three co-cultures (combinations of GT7, GTCA28, and GTCN16) from the unbiased cosmopolitan subset were repeated in 2005 and are boxed in both A (1990) and B (2005 result only).