Figure 4.
White blood cell counts are severely affected by proton radiation exposure. Blood was collected prior to radiation (pre-irradiation), until 30 days post-irradiation. 2 Gy data were unavailable at days 21 and 30 due to 0% animal survival. Data were normalized to pre-irradiation counts and are reported as a fraction of control. The dotted line indicates the pre-irradiation count of 1.0. ANOVA was used to determine the dose response for each time-point (with three doses; if only two dose groups were available, a student’s t-test was used). Significance is reported for *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005, and ***p < 0.001. A statistically significant dose dependent decrease in WBC (A), lymphocyte (B), neutrophil (C), monocyte (D), and eosinophil (E) counts was observed at 0.5, 7, and 13 days post-irradiation.