Fig. 1.
Differential display polymerase chain reaction of total RNA from hyphae of non-sclerotia producing strains versus, sclerotia producing strains, Morchella conica. Total RNAs of non-sclerotia producing strains (S1, S2, S5, S6) and sclerotia producing strains (S3, S4, S7, S8) were reverse transcribed into cDNA, and then were amplified. The differential display PCR products were run on to 6 % naturing polyacrylamide gel in pairs(non-sclerotia producing strains S1, S2 and sclerotia producing strains S3, S4 must be next to each other, non-sclerotia producing strains S5, S6 and sclerotia producing strains S7, S8 can be done in the same manner). The representative differential display RT-PCR banding patterns were showed, which had been obtained from amplification with the H-T11A/H-AP9, H-T11G/H-AP5, H-T11C/H-AP4, H-T11A/H-AP7, H-T11A/H-AP6 primer combinations. Arrows indicate differentially expressed cDNA fragments that were recovered from gel and analyzed further