Table 2.
Interaction Behaviors (n=29)
Positive Nurse Behaviors (n=14): behaviors that communicate interpersonal support and encouragement | |
Sharing | Offers the patient an item to support their wellbeing (other than prescribed medications or treatments) |
Praising | Verbal comments indicating approval, recognition or praise |
Visual Contact | Looks the patient in the eyes for as long as the nurse is at the bedside |
Proximity with Speech | Stands at least arm’s length from the patient and provides spoken information |
Physical Contact | Touches, pats or hugs the patient. |
Social Politeness | Uses terms including “please”, “thank you”, and greets the patient by name. |
Preparatory Information | Information given before a procedure. |
Expanded Preparatory Information | Information given before a procedure, includes expanded explanation |
Preparatory Information (Brief Delay) | Information given before a procedure but the procedure start is >10 seconds after the information is given |
Expanded Preparatory Information (Brief Delay) | Information given before a procedure that includes expanded explanation but the start of the procedure is > 10 seconds after the information is given. |
Smiling | Lifting lip scorners while looking the patient in the eyes |
Modeling | Body changes or movements accompanied by the corresponding descriptive verbalization, reproduced by the patient |
Laughing | Lifting the lips corners or congruently opening the mouth while emitting the characteristic voiced laughter sound |
Augmenting | Augments patient’s auditory comprehension by writing, gesturing, showing object, |
Negative Nurse Behaviors (n=3): behaviors by the nurse that inhibit the interpersonal relationship | |
Disapproving | Verbalizations implicating disagreement, negation, disgust or criticism |
Yelling | Loud verbalizations containing comments, threats, criticism or disapproval |
Ignoring the Patient | After a request by the patient, the nurse does not answer or perform the requested action within five seconds in a congruent manner |
Positive Patient Behaviors (n=9): behaviors that communicate interpersonal engagement, responsiveness and interdependence in the care recipient role | |
Acceptance | Head, eyes or hand movement expressing agreement, acceptance or satisfaction. |
Following Instructions | Engaging in a behavior in response to an request or instruction by the nurse |
Visual Contact | Looks the nurse in the eye when the nurse asks a questions/addresses patient |
Physical Contact | Touches, pats or hugs the nurse. |
Request | Verbal, digital or manual indications to express a need or request |
Smiling | Lifting lips corners while looking the patient in the eyes |
Maintaining Attention | Keeps eye contact while nurse provides an explanation, information, instruction |
Laughing | Lifting the lips corners or congruently opening the mouth. |
Praising | Clearly distinguishable gesture or message expressing gratefulness or approval |
Negative Patient Behaviors (n=3): behaviors that are expressions of disapproval or withdrawal from the interpersonal care relationship | |
Disagreement | Actions expressing opposition to nurse’s actions |
Disgust | Gestures or facial expressions indicating disgust, annoyance, or frustration. |
Ignoring the nurse | After a request, the patient does not answer or respond within 5 seconds in a congruent manner |