Mean estimates of θ (top) and P (bottom) for SHR (solid circles) and WKY (open circles) rats across vehicle (Veh), 0.1, 0.3, and 0.6 mg/kg s.c. nicotine (left of vertical dashed line) and pre-feeding (PF; right of vertical dashed line). *Significant difference between dose and Veh. §Significant simple main effect of strain at a dose level. †Significant difference between dose and Veh in SHR. ‡Significant difference between dose and Veh in WKY. Symbols are repeated with lower p-values (i.e., *p < .050, **p < .010, ***p < .001). A significant strain × cycle × feeding status interaction effect was observed on θ, but no significant main or interaction effect of strain or feeding status on θ were observed in either cycle. All doses of nicotine reduced estimates of θ relative to Veh. Nicotine increased estimates of P in a dose-dependent manner and differentially across strains. The nicotine dose-response curve of P was shifted leftwards in SHR relative to WKY.