Figure 1. Elevated Plus Maze Results.
Elevated Plus Maze. A. Time spent in each zone. SHR and WKY/NHsd rats were similar in spending more time in the open arms and probing over the edges of the open arms (probing zones), and less time in the closed arms than both the SD and WKY/NCrl rats. No difference was observed for the center zone. B. Numbers of entries into each zone. SHR had the most numbers of entries to the open arms and center. All other three strains were similar. C. Ratios of time spent in open vs closed arms. SHR and WKY/NHsd rats were similar and had significantly higher ratios than both the SD and WKY/NCrl. D. Average speed recorded on the elevated plus maze apparatus. SHR has significantly higher speed than all three other strains which were similar. Significant post-hoc comparisons were denoted with "*".