Figure 1.
Behavior-Related Activity of Bistratified Cells
(A) Reconstruction of the soma, complete dendritic tree (red, n = 11 sections) and representative part of the axon (black, 3 of 24 70-μm-thick sections; axonal origin, arrow). Note the selective axonal arborization in strata oriens and radiatum, avoiding strata pyramidale and lacunosum moleculare. See also Figures S1 and S2.
(B) The soma (arrow) was immunopositive for NPY and SOM; a neighboring neuron (asterisk) was immunopositive only for NPY. Confocal single optical sections are shown (0.7 μm).
(C) The dendrite (arrowhead) and axon (arrow) were immunopositive for PV (maximum intensity projection, z stack, height 5.2 μm).
(D) The dendritic membrane of another tested bistratified cell (LK27d; Figure S1C) contained high levels of ErbB4 receptor (maximum intensity projection, z stack, height 15.0 μm). Scale bars, 100 μm in (A) and 10 μm (B)–(D).
(E) The bistratified cell increased its firing rate and changed to a more regular rhythmic pattern at a transition from quiet wakefulness to movement.
(F) Action potentials of another identified bistratified cell (TV21f) during slow-wave sleep. Note the SWR-related (asterisks) strong increases in the firing rate.