Figure 4.
Integrative genomic analysis shows impact of mutations coexisting with CALR and JAK2 mutations on transcriptome of MPN patients. (A) Circos plots showing mutational frequencies and cooccurrences in 97 MPN patient samples. Genetic data regarding JAK2V617F allele burden, cytogenetic alterations, and mutations in CALR, TET2, ASXL1, and IDH1/2 as well as mass spectrometric-based genotyping data are displayed. (B) Integration of somatic genetic alterations, recurrent copy number alterations from SNP array data, and gene expression of key altered transcripts in MPN patients. Each patient is represented in an individual column in the top heatmap and relative level of gene expression of STAT5B, JAK2, MAPK14, and MET is shown in the bottom heatmap. (C) Significantly differentially expressed genes (FDR <0.05) based on supervised analysis of gene expression of TET2-mutant vs WT MPN patients (93 samples). Sixty-one genes were significantly differentially expressed.