Figure 7. Defective Bu-SC Proliferation Leads to Reduced HG Cell Number Short-Term and Regeneration Failure Long-term.
(A) HG cell numbers are reduced after Gli2-cKO HFs complete one cycle. Examination was in 2nd telogen (n≥3 mice, ≥18 HFs per mouse). (B) Control and Gli2-cKO mice following one round of hair plucking. Gli2 is knocked-out either in 1st telogen (red bars) or 2nd telogen (blue bars). Plucking was performed in 2nd telogen. HFs were examined at D3 for Bu-SCs proliferation and at D7 for HF length [below sebaceous gland (SG)] and hair cycle stage (n≥2 mice, ≥8 HFs per mouse). (C) Control and Gli2-cKO HF after 4 waxings (n≥3 mice, ≥21 HFs per mouse). (D) Control and Gli2-cKO HFs were plucked after 4 waxings and examined at D7 for HF length (below SG) and hair cycle stages (n≥2 mice, ≥9 HF per mice). (E) Aged control and Gli2-cKO HFs and quantifications. (F) Model summarizing the results. Bulge: CD34+ (in green) and yellow dashed lines. HG: Pcad+ (in red) and white dashed lines. Data are mean±SD. *:p<0.05; ***:p<0.001. n.s., not significant. Box-and-whisker plots as in Figure 1 legend. Scale bars: 30μm.