Figure 2.
In vitro studies. (A) Fluorescent images of M1 CD80+ cells and M2 CD206+ cells in culture. CD80+ antibody and CD206+antibody were used to stain M1 and M2 cells, respectively. (B) Toxicity results to 3T3 fibroblasts (up to 62.5 μg/ml) show no statistical differences from control (0 μg/ml probe) (6 replicates were run at each concentration). In vitro characterization of (C) folate-based probe specificity for M1 cells and (D) mannose-based probe specificity for M2 cells. Linear correlations are observed for the folate-based probe and M1 cells (R2=0.914) and the mannose-based probe and M2 cells (R2=0.94). Results are presented as the mean± standard deviation of 3 replicate experiments. (E) in vitro study to assess affinity of folate-based probe, mannose-based-probe and control probe to M1 cells. (F) in vitro study to assess affinity of mannose-based probe, folate-based probe and control probe to M2 cells.