Figure 5.
Assessment of bias in RNA isolation from PBMCs. Assessment of bias in RNA isolation from PBMCs using the Macherey-Nagel (MN) kit, comparison of extraction from 3×106 and 1×106 cells with a same amount of RNA for RT (130 ng). A- Bland-Altman analysis 3×106 versus 1x106 cells. B- Plot of the difference in Ct values of the two conditions (x-axis) and the GC content of miRNAs detected in these two settings (y-axis). C- Plot of the difference in Ct values of the conditions 300 vs 100 ng (x-axis) and the GC content of the miRNAs detected in these two settings (y-axis). The Pearson correlation coefficient is indicated. TLDA datas from biological duplicate. Analysis using mean CT values of common miRNAs. Only miRNAs with Ct < 32 were considered.