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. 2014 Jun 3;5:257. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00257

Table 1.

Results of studies of the efficacy of influenza, pneumococcal, and Hib vaccination in multiple myeloma.

Vaccine Study Study design number of patients Myeloma treatment Measure of efficacy Response Conclusion
Influenza Robertson et al. (156) MM (n = 48) IFNα/chemotherapy/high-dose MP/total body radiation + autologous stem cell transplantation 6 months before GMT, titers ≥1: 40 Poor response. 19% achieved seroprotection and 59% had no seroprotective levels to any of the three strains Poor responses and patients are susceptible to infections with influenza
Rapezzi et al. (160) MM (n = 6) CLL (n = 13) NHL (n = 7) HD (n = 8) MP + prednisone/MP + prednisone + VAD GMT, titers ≥1: 40 Seroprotection rates achieved by more than 60%. Of the patients, three of six MM achieved seroprotection rates Vaccination is well-tolerated and safe in CLPD and MM
Stadtmauer et al. (181) MM (n = 21) High-dose MP + autologous stem cell transplantation GMT, ≥4-fold rise in titers Primed subjects had significantly higher GMT at all times Transfer of influenza-primed autologous T cells after transplantation improves subsequent vaccine responses
73% of primed subjects had seroconversion to any of the three vaccine strains and only 30% of unprimed subjects
Pneumococcal Lazarus et al. (165) MM (n = 13) BCNU + adriamycin/MP + prednisone/cyclophosphamide/BCNU + prednisone + cyclophosphamide/MP + adriamycin + vincristine GMT, ≥2-fold rise in titer Poor response. 30% achieved protective response to six or more serotypes Antibody response is depressed. Advisable to vaccinate patients as response was highly variable
Schmid et al. (163) MM (n = 37) HC (n = 10) MP + prednisone/vincristine + cyclophosphamide + prednisone (and doxorubicin/MP), or another combination of three or more/no chemotherapy for at least 3 months before vaccination GMT ≥2-fold rise in titers At least twofold increase in titers to at least eight antigens in 43% compared to 100% HC. Poorer response in those receiving multi-agent (≥3) chemotherapy Very low antibody titers before and after vaccination but as response was heterogeneous vaccination can be offered
Hargreaves et al. (166) MM (n = 41) HC (n = 62) MP/MP + adriamycin + BCNU + cyclophosphamide/vincristine + cyclophosphamide + MP + prednisone/vincristine + BCNU + adriamycin + prednisone/vincristine + adriamycin + dexamethasone/vincristine + adriamycin + MP + prednisone GMT, ≥2-fold rise in titer Poor response 45% achieved protective titers Poor response associated with increased risk of septicemia
Robertson et al. (156) MM (n = 48) IFNα/chemotherapy/high-dose MP/total body radiation + autologous stem cell transplantation 6 months before GMT titers ≥1:640 39% Achieved protective titers Poor responses, likely to be poorly sustained. Repeat vaccination is desirable
Rapoport et al. (180) MM (n = 42) High-dose MP + autologous stem cell transplant GMT 60% of pre-transplant vaccination+ post-transplant T cell infusion recipients achieved protective titers. Early adoptive T cell transfer followed by post-transplant booster immunization improves immunodeficiency. Pre-transplant vaccination regime superior to post-transplant vaccination regime
18% of post-transplant vaccine & pre-transplant+ late T cell infusion recipients achieved protective titers
Hinge et al. (177) MM (n = 60) High-dose MP + autologous stem cell transplantation GMT titers ≥1: 40 Poor response. 33% responded Reasonable to vaccinate patients with disease control (responding well to induction therapy) as they have higher response rate
Hib Robertson et al. (156) MM (n = 46) IFNá/chemotherapy/high-dose MP/total body radiation + autologous stem cell transplantation 6 months before ≥1.02 μg/L 75% protective titers and 41% had a ≥4-fold increase in titers Specific immunity comparable to HC.
Nix et al. (167) MM (n = 20) Intermittent chemotherapy >0.15 μg/mL 45% MM achieved titers that correlate to natural protection in comparison to 97% HC Lack of protective immunity against Hib in MM. Increased risk of invasive disease is a rationale for immunization
Chronic renal failure (n = 59)
Diabetes mellitus (n = 30)
HC (n = 32)

CLPD, chronic lymphoproliferative disorders; HC, healthy controls; HD, Hodgkin disease; MP, mephalan; NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; VAD, vincristine–adriamycin–dexamethasone.