Figure 4. CSF1 has no effect on tumor growth but increases percent tumor TEMs and augments angiogenesis.
(A) After two weeks of treatment, tumors were removed, homogenized and immunostained with antibodies specific for F4/80 and Tie2 to identify total F4/80+ cells and F4/80+/Tie2+ cells (Tie2-expressing macrophages, TEMs). While there was a marked increase in total F4/80+ macrophages with CSF1 treatment, the percent of F4/80+/Tie2+ TEMs was significantly increased in response to CSF1 suggesting a regulatory role for CSF1 in expanding the TEM population. N = 5 mice per group and results represent the mean ± SEM of total F4/80+ and F4/80+/Tie2+ TEMs within the tumors. (B, top and bottom left) PyMT tumors without CSF1 treatment and (top and bottom right) with CSF1 treatment immunostained with CD31 for blood vessels, F4/80 for macrophages, Tie2 for F4/80+/Tie2+ TEMS, and DAPI. Confocal images (using 60× objective (top) and with 3× zoom (bottom) suggest an increase in both F4/80 macrophages and F4/80+/Tie2+ TEMS in the CSF1-treated tumors. Multiply overlap indicates those areas where F4/80 and Tie2 positivity overlap. Individual stains are in Supplementary Figure 3 . (C, top) Orthotopically implanted PyMT mammary tumors in wild type C57Bl/6 female mice were allowed to become palpable then intraperitoneally treated with PBS (PBS), CSF1 (100 ng in 100 µls) (CSF1), a neutralizing antibody for the CSF1R (50 mg/kg) 4 hours prior to CSF1 treatment (100 ng in 100 µls) (CSF1R NAb+CSF1), the CSF1R antibody alone (CSF1R NAb), an isotype antibody (50 mg/kg) 4 hours prior to CSF1 (100 ng in 100 µls) treatment (CSF1+IgG), or the isotype antibody alone (IgG) three times per week for two additional weeks. The tumors were immunostained with a CD31-Alexa Flour 546 antibody to recognize endothelial cells that comprise blood vessels. Qualitatively, CSF1 treatment increased the percent of CD31-postitive pixels per high powered field compared to PBS treated tumors, while the neutralizing antibody to CSF1R suppressed the CSF1 effect on angiogenesis. (B, bottom) Quantitatively, the percent of CD31+ pixels per high powered field were quantified as blood vessels (angiogenesis) using Adobe Photoshop histogram analysis. CSF1 treatment significantly increased CD31-positive pixels (angiogenesis) compared to PBS. The neutralizing antibody for CSF1R significantly reduced the ability of CSF1 to up-regulate angiogenesis. N = 5 mice per group and results represent the mean ± SEM of percent CD31-positive pixels per high powered field (HPF).