Figure 6. Clotrimazole slows the growth of human OSCC xenograft tumors in nude mice.
A total of 5×106 CAL27 cells/mouse were injected subcutaneously into the back next to the right front limb. When a tumor became palpable, clotrimazole (150 mg/kg/body) was administered intraperitoneally for 2 weeks, 6 times per week, control mice treated with equal volume of peanut oil. (A) Representative photographs of the gross tumors from nude mice treated with clotrimazole or peanut oil. (B) Graphs represent the average tumor volumes of CAL27 xenografts in mice from the control and clotrimazole-treated groups. (C) Graphs represent the average weight of tumors from the control and clotrimazole-treated groups. (D) PCNA expression in tumor tissues was assessed by IHC. The bar graph shows PCNA labeling index (PCI) in twelve tumors per each experimental group. PCI (%) = positive tumor cells/total tumor cells×100%. (E) Cleaved caspase-3 expression in tumor tissues was assessed by IHC. The bar graph shows cleaved caspase-3 labeling index (CI) in twelve tumors per each experimental group. CI (%) = positive tumor cells/total tumor cells ×100%. *P<0.05; ** P<0.01 compared with control nude mice.