Figure 2. Simulations of contraction with normal myosin content and thick-filament architecture.
A) Average traces of Ca2+-activated force are plotted against time at pCa 4.0 (maximal force) for 2.3 and 2.6 µm sarcomere lengths (SL). Simulations represent 100% of normal myosin content and full thick-filament length at cross-bridge stiffness (kxb) values of 3 pN nm−1. Steady-state data were calculated from the final 10% of each run throughout a simulation (dashed line in panel A). Steady-state B) force, C) cross-bridge (XB) binding, D) force per bound XB, E) ATPase, and F) ton at SL of 2.3 and 2.6 µm are plotted against kxb. † denotes values that are different from all other values within each panel (mean±SD).