Figure 3.
Reactivation within anatomical ROIs. A, Ten anatomical ROIs: IFG, MFG, SFG, MPFC, hippocampus (HIPP), VTC, MPC, SMG, ANG, and SPL. B, Category classification (face vs scene) for recall trials. Accuracy in all regions was significantly above chance (p < 0.005). Errors bars reflect SEM. C, Event-level pattern similarity between recall and recognition trials. Recall-recognition similarity (z-transformed correlation coefficient) is shown as a function of whether trials corresponded to the same picture or a different picture (from the same category). The main effect of match (same > different) was significant (p = 0.007); individually, the effect was significant in MFG, MPFC, SMG (p < 0.05), and ANG (p = 0.0007); only ANG was significant after correction for multiple comparisons. Error bars reflect the SEM difference for each region. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.005.