Table 1.
Item | |
1 | My legs are weak* |
2 | I feel ugly** |
3 | I get depressed* |
4 | I look awful in photographs** |
5 | I avoid going out very much with friends because of my appearance*** |
6 | I try to avoid socializing*** |
7 | I look different in the mirror** |
8 | I feel rejected by people because of my illness*** |
9 | I have problems carrying out my usual activities* |
10 | People stare at me because of my appearance*** |
11 | Some part of my body (nose, feet, hands,...) are too big** |
12 | I have problems doing things with my hands, for example, sewing or handling tools** |
13 | The illness affects my performance at work or in my usual tasks* |
14 | My joints ache* |
15 | I am usually tired* |
16 | I snore at night** |
17 | It is hard for me to articulate words due to the size of my tongue** |
18 | I have problems with sexual relationships*** |
19 | I feel like a sick person* |
20 | The physical changes produced by my illness govern my life*** |
21 | I have little sexual appetite*** |
22 | I feel weak* |
Frequency of occurrence (always, most of the time, sometimes, rarely, never) or degree of agreement with the items (completely agree, moderately agree, neither agree nor disagree, moderately disagree, completely disagree) are the response choices. * Scale 1 (Physical) ** Scale 2-1 (Psychological/ appearance) *** Scale 2-2 Psychological/ personal relations)