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. 2014 Apr 9;165(2):528–533. doi: 10.1104/pp.113.231274

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Reduced mpk3 mpk6 pollen transmission is not associated with defective pollen germination or pollen tube growth. A, Generation of fluorescent reporter-tagged MPK6 complemented mpk3/ mpk6/ mutant lines. gMPK6-YFP construct was introduced into mpk3/ mpk6+/ plants. In T2 generation, mpk3/ mpk6+/ gMPK6-YFP+/+ plants were identified to determine the complementation of mpk3 mpk6 pollen transmission by gMPK6-YFP. Plants of mpk3/ mpk6/ gMPK6-YFP+/ genotype, which produce the nonfluorescent mpk3/mpk6 double mutant pollen and the YFP-tagged complemented pollen (mpk3 mpk6 gMPK6-YFP), were identified for phenotypic analysis in vivo. B and C, Double mpk3 mpk6 mutant (nonfluorescent) and complemented mpk3 mpk6 gMPK6-YFP (fluorescent) pollen tubes grew at similar rates in both in vitro pollen germination (B) and semi-in vitro pollen germination assays (C). Bar = 100 µm. D, Quantitative comparison of pollen tube length of wild-type, mpk3 mpk6 double mutant, and mpk3 mpk6 gMPK6-YFP complemented pollen. Error bar indicates se of the mean.