Gene expression, protein purification, and CDNB activity of GSTs. A, Microarray data showing Arabidopsis GSTs up-regulated more than 2-fold following TNT treatment (P < 0.05 for all values; Gandia-Herrero et al., 2008) and corroborative qPCR data on Arabidopsis plants treated with TNT. The qPCR results were normalized to the ACTIN2 gene, and the results are means of five biological replicates ± se. qPCR data were not determined (ND) for U11, U8, U2, or U9. B and C, SDS-PAGE gels for GST-U24 (B) and GST-U25 (C) showing the expression and purification of recombinant GSTs. M, Molecular mass marker (kD); E, protein extract from E. coli transformed with empty vector; PI, protein extract from E. coli culture prior to induction; L, lysed induced protein extract from E. coli after 60 h of expression time; U, unbound fraction of the purification process; P, purified protein. D, Conjugation activity of purified GSTs toward a CDNB equivalent volume of the purified empty vector lysate. Results are means of three technical replicates ± sd. Asterisks denote samples that were significantly different (P < 0.05) from the empty vector control. [See online article for color version of this figure.]