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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: JAMA Psychiatry. 2014 Apr;71(4):375–387. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2013.4100

Table 2. Behavioral and Neuroimaging Measures.

Summary of methods used to generate phenotypes. The upper rows of the table list the instruments and measures used to assess temperament and neurocognitive phenotypes. The lower rows list the neuroimaging regions of interest (ROIs). ROIs highlighted in bold represent measures that were derived by summing sub-region measures that are also included as traits (e.g. total brain volume is the sum of total cerebral, total cerebellar and brain stem volumes). For each cortical surface ROI, two measures were determined; surface area and average gray matter thickness. Abbreviations; FA, fractional anisotropy; AD, axial diffusivity; RD radial diffusivity.

Subdomain Instrument Phenotype Measure
Delusion-proneness Peters Delusion Inventory106 Peters Delusion Inventory Score on 40 items assessing delusional ideation and unusual perceptual experiences
Perceptual Creativity Barron Welsh Art Scale16,107 Barron Welsh Art Scale Dislike Preference rating on simple/symmetric figures of 86 total
Barron Welsh Art Scale Like Preference rating on complex/asymmetric figures of 86 total
Affective Temperament TEMPS-A108 TEMPS Anxiety Total score on 3 anxiety items
TEMPS Cyclothymia Total score on 12 cyclothymia items
TEMPS Depressive Total score on 8 depressive items
TEMPS Hyperthymia Total score on 8 hyperthymia items
TEMPS Irritability Total score on 8 irritability items
Impulsivity/Risk-taking Aggression Questionnaire109 Aggression Questionnaire Score on 12 item Likert-scale of aggressive traits/behaviors
Barratt Impulsivity Scale110 Barratt Impulsivity Scale Score on 30 item Likert-scale assessing frequency of impulsive behaviors
Sensation Seeking Scale111,112 Sensation Seeking Scale Score on 40 items of sensory stimulation preferences
Balloon Analog Risk Task113 BART Low-risk Pumps Number of balloon pumps on Low-risk trials
BART Medium-risk Pumps Number of balloon pumps on Medium-risk trials
BART High-risk Pumps Number of balloon pumps on High-risk trials
BART Total Pumps Total number of balloon pumps on all trials
Long Term Memory California Verbal Learning Test CVLT Delayed Recall Number of items out of 16 word list recalled after a 20 min. delay
CVLT Intrusions Number of intrusions during list recollection
CVLT Recognition Number of items out of 16 word list recognized after a 20 min delay
CVLT Repetitions Number of repeated words during list recollection
CVLT Total Trials 1–5 Number of items recalled over 5 repeated exposures of a 16 word list
Miscellaneous43 Face Memory Number of faces recalled from visual presentation after delay
Wechsler Memory Scale45 WMS Logical Memory Delay Memory score for auditory story after 20 min. delay
WMS Logical Memory Immediate Memory score for auditory story immediately after presentation
WMS Logical Memory Recognition Recognition score for auditory story after 20 min. delay
WMS Visual Reproduction Immediate Score for visuospatial memory immediately after figure presentation
WMS Visual Reproduction Delay Score for visuospatial memory after delay
Executive Function Abstraction Inhibition and Working Memory114 AIM Abstraction Number of correctly matched shapes presented simultaneously
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence Matrix Reasoning Number of correctly completed patterns
WASI Vocabulary Number of correctly named/defined objects/words
Penn Conditional Exclusion Test115 PCET # Correct Number of correctly identified non-matching objects
PCET Categories Achieved Number of categories of achieved
Stop Signal Task SST Correct Go Number of correct go trials
SST Correct Stop Number correct stop trials
SST Inter-stimulus Interval Response time (ms) on correct stop trials
Stroop Color-Word Interference Test44 Stroop Color Word Test Errors Number of errors on Color-Word test
Stroop Color Word Test Time Time needed to complete test
Test of Non-verbal Intelligence116 TONI # Correct Number of correctly completed progressive matrices
Working Memory Abstraction Inhibition and Working Memory114 AIM Abstraction plus Memory Number of correctly matched shapes after delayed target presentation
Identical Pairs Continuous Performance Test IPCPT Hits Number of correctly identified pairs on continuous performance test
Spatial Capacity Delayed Response Test SCAP # Correct 3 Dot Condition Number of correct responses on 3-dot spatial delayed memory task
SCAP Reaction Time 3 Dot Condition Response time (ms) on 3-dot condition
SCAP # Correct 5 Dot Condition Number of correct responses on 5-dot spatial delayed memory task
SCAP Reaction Time 5 Dot Condition Response time (ms) on 5-dot condition
SCAP Mean # Correct All Trials Mean number of correct responses on all trials
Miscellaneous43 VWM Digits Forward # Correct Correctly recalled digits strings in original order of presentation
VWM Digits Backward # Correct Correctly recalled digits strings in reverse order of presentation
VWM Letter-Number Seq. # Correct Correctly recalled number-letter strings, in alpha-numeric sequence
Processing Speed Miscellaneous43 Digit Symbol Copy Correctly identified digit-symbol pairs in 90 sec
Digit Symbol Recall Number of digits recalled when presented with corresponding symbols
Digit Symbol Percent Correct Percent correct on digit-symbol task
Trail Making Test Trailmaking Letter Sequencing Time Time needed to connect letters in alphabetical order
Trailmaking Number-Letter Seq. Time Time needed to connect alternating sequence of numbers and letters
Trailmaking Number Sequencing Time Time needed to connect numbers in ascending order
Verbal Fluency Miscellaneous43 Verbal Letter Fluency Words starting with a specific letter generated in 60 sec.
Verbal Category Fluency Animal names generated in 60 sec.
Measure Analysis Package Regions of Interest (ROIs)
MRI Volume FreeSurfer46,47T1-Weighted Images Amygdala, Anterior Corpus Callosum, Brain Stem, Caudate, Central Corpus Callosum, Cerebellar Cortex, Cerebellar Volume, Cerebellar White Matter, Cerebral Cortex, Cerebral Volume, Cerebral White Matter, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Fourth Ventricle, Hippocampus, Inferior Lateral Ventricle, Lateral Ventricle, Mid-Anterior Corpus Callosum, Mid-Posterior Corpus Callosum, non-White Matter Hypointensities, Nucleus Accumbens, Pallidum, Posterior Corpus Callosum, Putamen, Thalamus, Third Ventricle, Total Brain Volume, Total Corpus Callosum, Ventral Diencephalon, White Matter Hypointensities
Cortical Surface Area Caudal Anterior Cingulate, Caudal Middle Frontal, Cuneus, Entorhinal, Frontal Pole, Fusiform, Inferior Parietal, Inferior Temporal, Isthmus Cingulate, Lateral Occipital, Lateral Orbitofrontal, Lingual, Medial Orbitofrontal, Middle Temporal, Paracentral, Parahippocampal, Pars Opercularis, Pars Orbitalis, Pars Triangularis, Pericalcarine, Postcentral, Posterior Bank of Superior Temporal Sulcus, Posterior Cingulate, Precentral, Precuneus, Rostral Anterior Cingulate, Rostral Middle Frontal, Superior Frontal, Superior Parietal, Superior Temporal, Supramarginal, Temporal Pole, Transverse Temporal
FA, AD, RD FSL TBSS50,51DTI Anterior Thalamic Radiation, Genu Corpus Callosum, Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus, Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus, Splenium Corpus Callosum, Uncinate Fasciculus