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. 2014 May 27;2:e392. doi: 10.7717/peerj.392

Table 1. Basic statistics for the traits used in the QTL analysis.

Shown are the sample size (N), mean, and standard deviation (Std Dev) for each of the 24 traits (and their units and abbreviations) measured in the F11 mice.

Trait (units) Abbreviation N Mean Std Dev
3-week body weight (g) WT3 1513 14.41 1.940
6-week body weight (g) WT6 1518 28.71 2.539
12-week body weight (g) WT12 1511 33.61 2.984
Weight gain from 3 to 6 weeks (g) GAIN3-6 1506 14.31 1.866
Weight gain from 6 to 12 weeks (g) GAIN6-12 1504 4.87 1.863
Feed intake (g/kg0.75/day) INTAKE 1504 84.23 1.717
Heat Loss (kcal/kg0.75/day) HL 1525 146.77 15.836
Total body fat (g) FAT 1520 4.37 0.838
Subcutaneous fat pad (g) SUBQ 1523 0.127 0.038
Gonadal fat pad (g) GON 1523 0.157 0.074
Brown adipose tissue (g) BAT 1517 0.045 0.012
Liver weight (g) LIVER 1520 1.69 0.223
Heart weight (g) HEART 1519 0.187 0.032
Spleen weight (g) SPLEEN 1519 0.112 0.028
Total body fat as % of kill weight PFAT 1520 13.52 2.169
Subcutaneous fat pad as % of kill weight PSUBQ 1523 0.394 0.111
Gonadal fat pad as % of kill weight PGON 1523 0.472 0.208
Brown adipose tissue as % of kill weight PBAT 1517 0.140 0.036
Liver weight as % of kill weight PLIVER 1520 5.24 0.463
Heart weight as % of kill weight PHEART 1519 0.581 0.097
Spleen weight as % of kill weight PSPLEEN 1519 0.350 0.078
Bone mineral density (g/cm2) BMD 1456 0.062 0.003
Bone mineral content (g) BMC 1456 0.735 0.054
Bone area (cm2) BAREA 1456 11.78 0.667