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. 2014 May;91(100):79–91. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.02.023

Table A9.


Variable F df Coefficient±SE P
Condition 12.505 3 <0.001
Session number 187.220 1 <0.001
Sex 0.002 1 0.967
Age 13.796 1 <0.001
Condition*Session number 11.174 3 <0.001
Condition*Sex 2.051 3 0.104
Condition*Age 3.166 3 0.023
Condition=Pull −0.630±0.627 0.315
Condition=Push 0.817±0.485 0.092
Condition=Free Pull −2.005±0.629 0.001
Condition=Free Push 0
Session number 0.086±0.009 <0.001
Age=Juvenile −0.093±0.791 0.907
Age=Adult 0
Condition=Pull*Session number −0.062±0.011 <0.001
Condition=Push*Session number −0.044±0.011 <0.001
Condition=Free Pull*Session number −0.047±0.011 <0.001
Condition=Free Push*Session number 0
Condition=Pull*Age=Juvenile 2.716±0.935 0.004
Condition=Pull*Age=Adult 0
Condition=Push*Age=Juvenile 1.110±0.974 0.254
Condition=Push*Age=Adult 0
Condition=Free Pull*Age=Juvenile 1.566±1.034 0.130
Condition=Free Pull*Age=Adult 0
Condition=Free Push*Age=Juvenile 0
Condition=Free Push*Age=Adult 0

Best-fitting model assessed with a binomial generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) with a logit link function. Group and Individual identity were entered as random factors. Test statistics (significant results in bold) and coefficients ± SE of significant results are also shown. Reference category: pull.

This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.