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. 2014 Jun 4;9(6):e98959. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098959

Figure 2. fio1+ transcript levels are constitutively repressed in a php4Δ strain lacking the fra2+ gene.

Figure 2

A, fio1+ steady-state mRNA levels were assessed in wild-type (WT) and php4Δ strains. Total RNA was extracted from culture aliquots and were incubated in the absence (-) or presence of Dip (250 µM) or FeCl3 (100 µM) for 0 and 30 min. For simplicity, the time point 30 min is shown since the mRNA signals detected (fio1+ and act1+) at other time points (e.g. 45, 60 and 90 min) were sensibly identical. B, Isogenic wild-type (WT) and fra2Δ php4Δ strains were grown and samples of cultures were taken after 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 min of Dip (250 µM) and FeCl3 (100 µM) treatment. As controls, cultures were left untreated (-) during the time course of the experiments. Total RNA was extracted and analyzed by RNase protection assays. Arrows indicate signals corresponding to fio1+ and act1+ mRNA steady-state levels. Results are representative of three independent experiments.