Figure 2.
Cost effectiveness plane for intervention strategies for different scenarios. Intervention strategies are labelled as R: Reactive vaccination, P: Pre-emptive vaccination, R + LSD: Reactive vaccination + Limited Social Distancing (8 weeks of SC + CCR) + AV, P + LSD: Pre-emptive vaccination + Limited Social Distancing + AV, R + SSD: Reactive vaccination + Sustained Social Distancing (Sustained SC + CCR) + AV, P + SSD: Pre-emptive vaccination + Sustained Social Distancing + AV, SC – School Closure, CCR – Community Contact Reduction, AV – Antiviral treatment for cases and prophylaxis for their household members, LSD – Limited Social Distancing, SSD – Sustained Social Distancing. All LSD and SSD interventions integrate the use of antivirals (AV).