Uncorrected neighbor-joining tree of SAT2 isolates based on a 357-bp segment on the VP1 gene and rooted to KEN/3/57. Bootstrap values greater than 70 out of 100 repetitions are shown at the relevant major nodes. WRL codes: ALG, Algeria; BRA, Brazil; CAR, Cameroon; IVY/CIV, Côte d'Ivoire; ERI, Eritrea; ETH, Ethiopia; GAM, Gambia; GHA, Ghana; IND, India; IRQ, Iraq; IRN, Iran; KEN, Kenya; KNP, Kruger National Park, South Africa; LBR, Liberia; MAI, Mali; MOR, Morocco; MOS, Mozambique; NGR, Niger; NIG, Nigeria; SAU, Saudi Arabia; SAR, South Africa; SEN, Senegal; TAN, Tanzania; ZAI, Zaire.