FIG. 7.
Evaluation of CEC-like cells localizing on the posterior surface of corneas and histological examination of corneas in the rabbit model. (A) Specular microscope confirmed the polygonal cell coverage of the Descemet's membrane in the CEC-like cell group. (B) There was only denuded Descemet's membrane in the PAPCM lamellae group. (C–F) Trypan blue and alizarin S costaining and fluorescence microscopy examination of whole-mount corneas. CFDA SE-positive cells were observed in the CEC-like cell group (C), while there were no signals checked in the PAPCM lamellae group (D). Trypan blue and alizarin S costaining showed that CEC-like cells were alive and clearly delineated the cell boundaries in the CEC-like cell group (E), whereas the staining was negative on the surface of PAPCM lamella in the PAPCM lamellae group (F). (G) H&E staining showed the integration of sheet with recipient cornea and a CEC-like cell monolayer present on the surface in the CEC-like cell group. (H) In the PAPCM lamellae group, the cornea was edema and the PAPCM lamella was detached from recipient cornea. Insets in (G, H) are higher magnifications. Scale bars=20 μm.