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. 2013 Dec 3;14(1):848. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-848

Table 2.

Summary of the chromosomal regions associated with blood lipids at the genome-wide significance level

Trait population Top SNPs Num. of SNPa Position (bp)b Phenotypic variance (%)c P-value candidate gened
TC F2 ASGA0016328 2 SSC3: 124,769,847 7.60 2.03 × 10-7 APOB
Sutai MARC0101455 3 SSC2: 56,469,735 9.75 4.40 × 10-8 CRTC1, CERS1
Sutai DIAS0002715 4 SSC2: 70,246,409 8.83 5.76 × 10-8 SMARCA4, LDLR
Sutai ALGA0109254 1 SSC5: 3,550,340 13.34 2.05 × 10-7 Undetected
LDL-C F2 ASGA0090960 1 SSC1: 63,541,683 11.66 2.69 × 10-8 Undetected
F2 ASGA0016328 3 SSC3: 124,769,847 9.80 1.90 × 10-10 APOB
Sutai M1GA0002939 15 SSC2: 60,318,677 16.27 8.27 × 10-11 CRTC1, SLC27A1, CERS1
Sutai DIAS0002715 25 SSC2: 70,246,409 14.26 1.17 × 10-12 SMARCA4, LDLR,
HDL-C/LDL-C Sutai MARC0002082 1 SSC2: 76265092 7.34 4.43 × 10-7 GNA11, ABCA7

a.The number of genome-wide significant SNPs within the QTL regions.

b.Positions of the top SNPs on the Sus Scrofa Build 10.2 assembly.

c.Phenotypic variance explained by the top SNPs.

d.The candidate genes were searched from annotated genes with functional relevance to serum lipids in an interval of 5.0 Mb centered at the top SNP at each significant locus. Undetected, no apparent candidate gene was detected in the corresponding genomic locus.