Table 1. Assembly statistics for the Dictyocaulus viviparus nuclear genome and the Wolbachia-like insertions.
D. viviparus nuclear genome * | Wolbachia-like fragments ** | |
number of reads (million) | 165 | |
span of data (Gb) | 16 | |
span of assembly (Mb) | 169.4 | 1.0 |
number of contigs | 17,715 | 193 |
N50 length (bp) | 22,560 | 10,017 |
mean read coverage | 84.53 | 119.06 |
GC% | 34.5 | 34.9 |
* The D. viviparus mitochondrial genome was assembled in four contigs, with mean coverage ∼10,000 fold. The four contigs were aligned to the published D. viviparus mitochondrion genome and cover the entire span.
** Fragment lengths were added as full contigs if no nematode-like sequence was detected. If the contig contained nematode sequences, only the range of the Wolbachia BLAST hits was added.